What we do

Life at Holywell is incredibly varied and there is never a dull moment, every day brings something new.

The Community follows the spirit of the Rule of St Benedict which speaks of ‘a school for God’s Service’. This is at the center of all that we do whether that be praying the offices, working at our various outreach projects or working around site.

Benedictine scholars says a monastic community is based upon ‘Ora et Labore’ -Prayer and Work. We pray four out of the seven daily offices; Lauds, Sext, Vespers and Compline. The mid-morning, mid-afternoon and night Vigil being cut to enable our work in the community. This rhythm of prayer sustains us as we go out into the world to go about God’s mission and it centres us on Him.


Our ‘work’ is our outreach into the local community; meting needs we identify and sharing Christ’s message through long term projects and events. We help to run the parish toddler group ‘Little Footprints’, assist at the local Ecumenically run Youth Drop in Centre and lead the All Age Worship services on Sunday mornings.
We also take school assemblies, run quiet days, visit parishioners and get stuck in with local events when we can.

The rest of our time is spent working around site, helping in the Tithe Barn Food Hall, maintaining the grounds and ensuring the site looks clean and tidy. Our spare time and days off are normally spent indulging our various hobbies.

Since the Community changes every year each year takes on a slightly different dynamic as those joining us bring their own skills and interests and we seek to use these to share the Gospel with the town.



We are excited for what the future holds and look forward to creating new outreach projects and strengthening our existing ones with those who will join us year-on-year.


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