Br Nicolas reflects on the current situation

Brother Nicolas gives somes theological insights concerning the current situation, as follows.

As I write these words, the whole country is now in quarantaine. The Church in Wales’ bishops decided to close our churches and suspend public worship. 

Well, our Lenten journey still continues toward the great joy of Easter. However, we are on a journey which is particularly difficult for many of us today. 

How can we reflect on what is happening to us today ? I have a few answers to provide, if I may. 

First, it is good to remember that our faith is stronger when the difficult time comes. After all, at the heart of our faith lies the death and crucifixion of Jesus. We aren’t meant to simply live our lives without any efforts. Our faith is here to put our whole selves into action. Through prayer, deeds and thoughts. 

Secondly, though we can’t worship corporately all together, God never ceases to be close to us in this difficult situation. We can think that isolation could reduce the strength of our love for him, or the deeds we do to help our neighbours. But it’s not the case. God is still working and abiding in us as ever before. In times of suffering and tribulation, God asks us to be faithful, to look at him and trust in his goodness. 

Thirdly, our prayer life is the means of what connects us all. Through prayer, common supplications and adoration, we keep alive our baptismal promises  and obey the Lord. The current situation is an interesting way to reflect on how important the gifts of community and worship are so intrinsic to our lives. 

This Lenten season, though incredibly challenging, is an incredibly opportunity to let God strengthen our faith. To develop a new pattern of prayer and actions. 

Brother Nathaniel and I have kept daily the Divine Office, as part of our Lenten discipline. We pray together. Eat together. Share the gifts we received from God with one another. Keeping on mind the needs of others, through food bank and prayers. 

Finally, let’s all remember that during this difficult time, we are not alone. God abides in us, as we abide in him. 
Let’s keep the faith. Now and forever. 


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